Rankins Destroy Project


Name: John Rankin Waddell

Working name: Rankin

Born: 1966

Lives in: England

Job: portrait and fashion photographer

What the project was:

A project that happened for a children’s music charity called Youth Music for its 10th birthday. Rankin took photos of 70 different musicians and visual artists and got them to destroy them in the style of his work.

For example:

ALANIS MORISSETTE had a photo from a series that was called ‘Highly Flammable’ so she decided to burned the photo to go with the name. Here is the photo before and after being destroyed.


ALEX ZANE changed his photo so that he had half of him exposed to his muscles and insides. He had gone to medical school so he put his knowledge of the body to use. He loved the anatomy of the body fascinated him so he felt it was perfect for his photo for the project. Here is a before and after being destroyed.






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