
What is it?

Portraiture is anything from a painting to a photo where the face and the expression is visible. The photo is meant to tell you something about the person meaning it can’t be a snapshot but must be a photo of someone in a still pose. Normally the person is facing straight forward for more of the face to be visible.

The first portraits were paintings, as cameras weren’t created yet. Portraiture dates back to the Egyptians where they would paint a picture of someone for their funeral. This photo is of a Roman Egyptians Funeral portrait of a young boy.


How we are going to use it?

We are going to take photos of people and an object of them so that we can learn something about the person from the two photos. In the photos I wanted to experiment and not just take them with the person simply sitting in front of the camera.

Golden reflector W

Here is a simple portrait photo I took of Inga. This is the ordinary way of taking portrait photos as it shows the face well and there isn’t loads going on to distract you from the face. The lighting is important too as in the photo it makes her face brighter and more in focus.

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