First list of potential ideas


Here is my first selection of ideas and simple idea of what my photo could be of for my Final Major Project which I can grow off of and make more developed. I will be talking through What, Why and How below:

  1. I could capture movement with a fast shutter speed and create a sequence photo
  2. The movement could be jumping as it’s an action that has lots of time where no feet are on the floor which is something that you don’t normally see in normal life.
  3. I also I like the idea of capturing water that is splashing as it’s also something that the human eye doesn’t normally see for long.
  4. So maybe I could put them together and capture someone jumping into water and put them altogether in one photo to create a sequence photo.
  5. The person could be wearing their normal clothes whilst jumping/falling into water

Why do I want to do this?

I like the idea of someone falling into water with all their clothes on as this could show someone having problems and the water is them loosing control of all of them and feeling overwhelmed. They are wearing all their clothes as this could show that they are dragging them down and as they are their clothes it’s what they have done that’s made struggle more. I want to capture each part of the movement as this could symbolise tiny problems building up to create the large problem that they can’t come back from (the water)


I could take fast shutter photos one after another of someone jumping into water wearing all their clothes. Then I could edit them together so that they are all in one photo. This would mean that you could see the development of the movement all in the one photo.

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