First test shots and evaluation

After researching the different locations that I could take my first test shots I came to the conclusion that taking them at the old farm building would work the best. I felt the other locations wouldn’t have worked as well and also I didn’t hear back from anyone I contacted to see if I could take photos in these locations meaning I could only use the farm building. For my test shots I took them at midday when the sun was out so that I could get natural but strong lighting. I tried to focus on the outside of the building due to it potentially being dangerous and also to capture the state of the surrounds too. Here are my test shots and my thoughts of how they turned out.


First test shot 1.jpg

For my first photo, I took a shot of the side of the barn with the main focus being the smashed window hiding in the undergrowth. I wanted to include the undergrowth in this photo to show how overgrown and unused this building is and that it’s hard to even see that there is a property on this land. In editing I tried to make it more like Schreck’s work by darkening the corners and creating a scary feel to the location. I even attempted to give the photo an older feel by lowering the saturation to lose most of the high pigmentation from the plants. I feel that this photo turned out how I was expecting and gives the spooky feeling to the viewers. I do think it’s sad that the inside isn’t visible as I felt this was the most important part of the photos I researched and told most of the story. I do think that maybe it’s a little too dark and could do with one area that is brighter as to make the eye travel across the photo.


First test shot 2.jpg

For my second photo, I took a close up of the window and the inside of the farm building. I wanted this to be more about the inside and the details in the smashed glass. For this photo I tried to use Feijen’s style and make it unedited and natural. I felt that the way the bushes were creeping in from the sides gave the feeling that it’s being attacked and will soon be completely gone. I also think that the way the sun is shining on the contents of the barn makes it seem inviting which is completely opposite to the feeling the last photo made you have. I left this photo a lot lighter and the saturation up which helps make the bushes look healthier and the location look sunny. I do think I prefer my first editing style though.


First test shot 3.jpg

For my third photo, I took a shot from either side of the barn wall through an empty window. This means you can see inside the barns and the contents and also a passage way which runs down the side of the barn to a door which is sat out in the wildlife with no purpose.  I made this photo slightly darker than it naturally was but left the outside area more light towards the end of the ‘tunnel’ as this shows possibly an open space at the end of it. I made the inside darker to give a spookier and more dangerous feel to the remnants of the barn and what’s been left behind. I like how this photo shows both inside and outside the barn and the different feelings they create.


First test shot 4

For my last photo I took a photo of the sign which was on the wall of the barn which tells you to stay out of the building due to the danger of being electrocuted which is scary and unexpected as it’s not being used anymore but also is why I didn’t enter the building in the first case. I tried to make this photo unsaturated and dark as to make it seem spooky and to tell a story of the location. I feel this wasn’t one of the best photos as it doesn’t have any of the building in it meaning there isn’t much to look at.


Overall, I feel these photos were successful and out of the two different styles I liked the spooky and dark photo as it makes the viewers have a fear for this location and know it’s a dangerous place. I do want to try a different location for my next test shots but I feel the style will be the same. I want to look more into things being swallowed by their surroundings just like this barn with the trees looming over it and making it difficult to see it.

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