A sense of place – Risk assessment

I’m taking my photos on the beach between East Runton and Cromer of an old war building that has now been buried in the sand. Here are the safety precautions I need to think about:

>make sure the tide is going out

>make sure not to get sand on the lens

>make sure the camera doesn’t go near the water

>look where you’re going whilst taking photos so not to fall over

>don’t take photos of people that don’t want their photos to be taken

>don’t go too close to the cliff edge

>plan a date with no rain or get water proof equipment


It is easy to access and isn’t too far away from an exit off the beach if a quick exit is needed. I will take another person with me to hold any equipment so not to get sand in anything. The location is very safe as it’s a public beach with lifeguards and is used all year round by members of the public.


The equipment I will take with me:

>Canon 5d mark 1

>Reflector (in case the sun doesn’t reach specific areas)

>Lens hood (in case the sun is too bright/to stop sun glare)

>Something to lay on to get low profile shots

>Micro fibre cloth (to clean the lens if it gets dirty)

>Coat/bag (in case it rains so that the camera doesn’t get wet)

Equality’s – faces

For this piece of work we were looking at our new section of work which is called: Ideas and Concept

This is one of the subjects that we could choose from. For this lesson we looked at the subject ‘equality’s’ and make a piece of work from it. We also got a random subject from a book and we had to include it in our work.

The other subject we got was ‘making a face’ so I went out with my camera and created two faces which consist of four half faces. I did this to be able to show different races and how we aren’t all perfect or the same. I put them together as this fits with the making faces subject.

Create this by:

>Upload four photos of different face that you’ve taken

>Set the image width to 29.7 cm and the height to 19cm

>Crop the photos down the middle two left faces and two right faces

>Make a new page with width 57.55cm and height 18.3cm

>Put the photos onto the new page and put the faces together

>Flatten the layers

>Use the blur tool at strength 100 and hardness 100 to smooth the lines where they connect together

>Save the photo